Chuck Wichgers
State Representative
Assembly District 83
Representative Wichgers currently owns and operates his own business in healthcare, working with companies across the industry on conservative solutions for pain management in an effort to mitigate the growing problem of opioid abuse. Chuck is a staunch supporter of the right to life and believes in protecting human life at all levels from the not yet born, those with special needs, to the eldest among us. Faith, family, protection of inalienable rights, and service to his community is part of who he is as a man and what he will bring to the table as a legislator. Representative Wichgers serves his community in numerous ways including:
- President of a government grassroots organization preserving the rights of citizens voices to be heard-Preserve Muskego
- Elected Muskego City Alderman (1999-2002)
- Elected Waukesha County Board of Supervisors (1999-2002)
- Appointed Advisory Committee Janesville Road Reconstruction
- Church committees and organizations
- Education curriculum watchdog
- Volunteer at nursing homes throughout Waukesha County and assisted senior residents at weekly religious services for 6 years
- Over 30 years of involvement with various Pro-Life Organizations
- Helping conservative candidates elected to local and state offices for over 30 years